
Friday, July 24, 2009

Title: Blue Line
Size: 18"x 24"
Medium: Oil on Canvass
Year: 2008
Price: Sold
Not Framed
Title: Pink Leaf
Size: 24"x 30"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvass
Year: 2008
Price: $550
Not Framed
Rain storms always leave me wanting to paint. I find so much happens in the world around us when a rain storms hits. Pink leaf was painted during a rain storm in the fall. The rain and wind had caused all of the leafs but one to fall off this tiny little tree. I watched it fight to stay their as i sketched it out this painting. The rain ended and the leaf won the harsh battle.
Title: Spring
Size: 24"x 36"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvass
Year: 2008
Price: $700
Not Framed
Spring is a season of new. Everything seems to start over and trying again. I found it to be very true in my neighbors garden. Her flower beds seemed to be a jungle of new life popping up everywhere in such a fast rate. All of this seemed to be so exciting and energetic I wanted to capture that exciting new start in a painting.

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